Thy Kingdom Come!
When: Friday, August 23 ending Sunday, August 25
Who: Any Catholic man, ages 21 & up
Where: Camp River Ridge (6145 Harvey Branch Rd, Oldenburg, IN 47036)
Cost: $145 thru Aug. 13, then $165
Chaplains: Fr Dean Stasell, LC & Fr Matthew Summe, LC
Included: Mass and adoration, prayer in community, free time and outdoor games, plenty of fresh air, good food, drinks, bonfires, and good ol' fellowship. Great experience for fathers and sons!
Volunteer Opportunity: Optional service projects at camp on Sunday til early afternoon.
Chris Waid 678-986-8875 [email protected]
Bill Dehlinger 859-393-5544 [email protected]
More Info: visit Camp River Ridge Website