Family Campout at Camp River Ridge, Join us for a weekend of fun and grace for the whole family. We want to welcome any parent with their child for a weekend camp. If you just want to come the day Saturday that is fine too. If only a mother and son can come, or a dad and a daughter, all are welcome to come and enjoy the weekend for the family. We will be having reflections for parents and children separately. Family time for adoration, confession and mass.
ECYD Girls Challenge summer camps are an amazing combination of faith, friendship, and LOTS of fun! There is daily prayer and mass, swimming, small group sessions, team building activities, outdoor activities, and indoor craft time. Bonfires, creeking, and horseback riding are also included during the week.
Camp ARISE is an ECYD Camp for rising 9th grade girls. It launches them for high school, with a focus on relationships, leadership, beauty, and mission. Camp ARISE is faith-based, experiential, and service oriented.